. The United Church Women of Bridgewater United Church in Nova Scotia hosted a soup luncheon to raise funds for United for Peace. In addition they have also sold pins and raised approximately $2,000.00 to support the campaign. Thanks to Ruth Rudderham for this story and pictures.
Monday, November 3, 2008
. The United Church Women of Bridgewater United Church in Nova Scotia hosted a soup luncheon to raise funds for United for Peace. In addition they have also sold pins and raised approximately $2,000.00 to support the campaign. Thanks to Ruth Rudderham for this story and pictures.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
(Timmins, Ontario)
This is a wonderful idea to publicise the congregation's effort to promote peace. Using words and flags they have clearly stated PEACE in 17 languages. The words were then put onto pieces of wood in languages such as Hebrew, Finnish, Cree, French and Italian, along with English, to help spread the word."It was important to us as the campaign began that we have the languages of the different people in this community on the peace pole," said Pastor Darlene Hardy.Thanks to Bill and Darlene Hardy for the photo.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Congratulations to the congregation of Mountjou United Church in Timmins, ON. The new PEACE POLE stands proudly outside the door of the church.
Parishioners of the church were asked to pick a word for peace in several different languages to display on the pole located outside the church doors.
The peace pole is not just about creating awareness in the community, but also a fundraiser to help the United Church of Canada's "United for Peace" project reach its $2-million goal to support peace projects around the world.
Hardy said those who participated in decorating the peace pole each paid $5. Church members have also sold peace pins and plan to bake peace cookies in the shape of a dove, the symbol for peace.
"We want to promote peace around the world and in the community," said Hardy.
"We live in a world of so much unrest and peace begins with each one of us individually."
The United for Peace campaign was officially launched in November 2007 with the goal of raising $2 million to support peace initiatives in Palestine and Israel. That goal was expanded to include projects around the world.
As money is received, 50 per cent will go toward the original project locations in Palestine and Israel, with the rest going to other initiatives around the world. The idea of the campaign is grounded in the fact that there cannot be peace without justice in the world.
In 2003, the United Church named six core pillars that sustain peace and justice -- equitable global economic development, promotion of human rights, democratic governance, a healthy, sustainable physical environment, war prevention and peace building, and arms control and disarmament agreements.
"We just need to promote peace," said Hardy. "Peace among us and peace around us.
Before Sunday's service began, the church's parishioners stood by the peace pole for an official dedication and prayer for peace.
Besides the upcoming sale of cookies, the church will also be displaying a peace tree this Christmas, decorated with handmade and purchased dove ornaments.
Congratulations to your congregation for this very creative idea.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Artist’s Statement -
This hand-dyed batik paper was designed for the United Church peace dove project. I choose the color blue to represent the sky. The circles of dots represent growth and strength. Four layers of dye and three layers of hot beeswax are used to build this pattern up from an original white piece of Japanese ori masa paper.
Amber Friedman
1 506 785 4643
A sheet is $25.00 and you can cut 63 paper doves from one sheet. Each dove may be sold for $1.00 resulting in a profit of $38.00 per sheet. Wonderful and unique fund raising idea.
The bulletin contained information on the two year campaign. Special envelopes were included for an additional offering.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
(click on the pictures to read the signitures)
Everyone wrote their name and pastoral charge on a white peace dove. These doves will be added to the doves in the Joggins United Church. Note the gift bag - it was suggested as a decoration or maybe away to give a gift to a guest speaker. Pins and cookie cutters were sold at the book display areas.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
The stage backdrop showed the crests of The United Church of Canada and Maritime Conference connecting with two world maps on either side. You'll note the peace doves flying around, all of which is being supported by God's people .
Conference President Barbara Rafuse produced a display of life in Maritime Conference. This board, one of three, noted copies of press clippings and photos of "United for Peace. "
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Brian Burris sent these lovely pictures with another idea to promote the United for Peace campaign. In the planning of this fun event everyone took part in the three actions !!!!!!!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
When the United for Peace Fund was announced last fall, the congregation began its worship in a space that featured over 40 feet of blue fabric starting at the cross and flowing like a river of peace along one wall of the sanctuary and out the front doors! Every week, symbols were added to the wall - red poppies on Remembrance Day, white doves on Children's' Sunday and on the last Sunday of November 2007, we planted blue and white grape hyacinths outside by the front steps to symbolize our hope that peace will bloom in our world.
Two weeks ago (April 27th/08) the first flowers appeared and the youngest member, Matthew Bisbee stopped to see and smell them!
The blue fabric remained in place throughout Advent, anchoring our anticipation of Advent peace as well as hope, joy and love and reminding us that working for peace is an ongoing call for Jesus' disciples. It also remained through funerals and a baptism reminding all who gathered the the Prince of Peace is with us in our struggles and our celebrations!
Blessings!(Rev.) Tiina K. Cote
- Rock Chapel United Church just outside Hamilton, ON
Thank you for sharing another great idea, peace is flowing like a river!!! Pam
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Hi I'm Pam Harrison - just returned from China where I met this lady farmer. (she is only 51 but very aged from her very hard work to support her family) I want to tell you that when you give to The United Church of Canada, to support their international causes, it makes a BIG difference.
The "United for Peace" money is going to another part of the world but it will help greatly as we work with our many partners.
Please continue to send your stories and pictures to this blog so we can share with others. Pam
* In November 2007 the United Church of Canada launched a two-year "United for Peace" campaign. We began our Pastoral Charge "United for Peace "campaign by selling wooden pins made in Bethlehem. We asked for a donation of $15.00 for each pin and a tax receipt of $10.00 was given.
* The second step of our campaign involves the free cookie cutters that have been given out. This step does not involve payment or collecting money. WE ASK EACH PERSON WHO HAS A COOKIE CUTTER TO MAKE SOME "PEACE DOVE"COOKIES FOR EASTER. The number you make is up to you. Then GIVE, a few cookies, along with an Easter card, (which we will supply), to FIVE people- friends, relatives, co-workers,- you decide who. We will deliver 5 special Easter cards to each one who has a cookie cutter by Sunday, March 9. We ask you to do the rest. Our purpose is simply to take our message of Easter Joy and Peace to those who receive the cards and cookies.
* Two more steps of this campaign are left to complete: a letter writing campaign in the fall of 2008; and a money donation in the spring of 2009.
If you're looking for news on "United for Peace," between a book sale and a (highly successful) pizza sale, our congregation has probably raised about $2700 for United for Peace. We're introducing the pins at the May 4th worship service, with the help of your excellent video!
Palgrave United Church, Caledon, Ontario
We are a small congregation, about 50 people, including children, gather weekly for worship. Last year we sold the pins ($10.00 each), as well as the cookie cutters and bags. We are a mostly young congregation, not much into making cookies, but we suggested the cutters themselves would make great ornaments when tied with a red ribbon and our Sunday School made wonderful "play-doh" dove Christmas ornaments covered with silver glitter using the cutters which we gave to all at Christmas.
This year (2008) we are collecting pennies on the last Sunday of each month - our "casual" Sunday when we do not wear choir robes or gowns - instead jeans, shorts, sweat pants, etc. are welcomed. We have a large glass container at the front and people were given small glass containers with United for Peace "tags" - (the thank you business size card that is available) that they fill each month with pennies - we have over $100. from our pennies by end of March so will continue to collect all year.
Hope these ideas help - we have encouraged the project at presbytery and presbyterial UCW as well and noted that it could be included as part of one's PAR givings.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
The Bird of Paradise
Dove of Peace cookies will be available for purchase
All proceeds go to "United For Peace" Campaign
Individual cookies …
splendid, SPLENDA doves homemade by June MacEachern and sold individually for a minimum donation of $0.50 each – supplies are limited……
flightless sugar doves handmade by the Cook Nook Bakery, Richibucto sold individually for a minimum donation of $0.50 each –
Buy by the Dozen … pre-ordered ONLY ($4.00/dozen)
flightless sugar doves handmade by the Cook Nook Bakery, Richibucto
could be available by the dozen if pre-ordered. You can sell them on Sunday, April 20th at your church without baking and make a local contribution to the United For Peace Campaign
Orders taken by e-mail to Gr8fulSoul@aol.com or 785-4643
– Betty-Jean Friedman … no later than FRIDAY, April 11, 2008
See you April 16th at St. Paul’s United Church, Riverview, NB …..
(The above notice was sent to all members of Chignecto Presbyter in Maritime Conference. )
Monday, March 31, 2008
This week I visited St. Andrews United Church in Truro, Nova Scotia and saw this lovely banner hanging in their entrance way with many other beautiful banners. I'm inspired to share this, as an idea, to enhance the United for Peace campaign. People express their concerns for peace in many ways - maybe making a special "UNITED FOR PEACE" banner would work in your pastoral charge.
Click on the banner, note the wording and the special peace greetings on every bird. Please show this to people who use their creative gifts of design to make our world a more beautiful place.
We will establish a special place on this blog called BANNERS, the purpose will be to display all banners. May I suggest that we show the banners, one picture of the individuals involved and a brief story of each banner.
Let's make it a banner year for " UNITED FOR PEACE ".
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Staff at the General Council Office in Toronto launched the United for Peace campaign on Wednesday, November 7, 2007. A chapel service included an inspiring reflection from Nora Carmi, visiting from Sabeel, a partner organization working for a just peace in Palestine.
The chapel service was followed by a gathering in the dining room, where people sang peace songs, decorated dove cookies, and talked more with Nora and each other. Nora Sanders and Bruce Gregersen joined in the action - results below!!!!
"Hey, hey good lookin, What's ya got cookin?" remember that song. From shore to shore to shore, United Church people are making 'peace dove cookies' as part of the United for Peace gatherings. Mary Francis Denis gets into the action.
Thanks for your inspiration!!!!
Monday, March 10, 2008
"Let us then pursue what makes for peace and mutual upbuilding." (Romans 14:19)
This pin is carved from olivewood in and near Bethlehem. Olive trees are considered sacred in Palestine. People consider their trees to be part of their families. The older trees have names and stories told about them. Wood is taken from the tree very carefully, so as not to damage the trees. The fasteners on the pin come from an Israeli workshop in Jerusalem. The sharing of skills and resources to make this beautiful pin is seen by the artisan as "symbolic of the symbiotic relationship that can exist between Arab and Jew in the Holy Land."
Financial donations for the pin support efforts for peace in the Middle East and around the world. Wearing this pin is a prayer for peace and a reminder that efforts for peace begin with each of us in our own homes and neighbourhoods.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
A "Peace Concert" was hosted in
River Hebert United Church - hall with guest choirs from Brookdale and Parrsbro. (Maritime Conference) They gathered in a circle of PEACE and were invited to greet others with these peace words from other nations.
Saying "PEACE" around the world: Amani (Swahili), Beke (Hungarigan) , Fred (Normegian) Heddwich (Welsh), Nabada (Somali), Paix (French), Paz (Spanish) and Shalom (Hebrew)
The evening began with telling the story of the beautiful "United for Peace" pins using the DVD from Spirit Connection, resulting in a sell out of the pins. 20 more people to wear the pins and promote peace. They used the lovely prayers from the United for Peace worship materials.
May we offer these suggestions from "More Voices"
- #122 This is the Day
- #221 I Am Walking a Path of Peace
- # 154 Deep In Our Hearts
- # 79 Spirit, Open My Heart
- #12 Come Touch Our Hearts
- # 40 Never Ending Joy
From "Voices United"
- # 684 Make Me a Channel of Your Peace
- # 356 Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God
- # psalm 42 As the Deer Pants for the Water
Other specials were offered from other favourite music.
The Peace of Christ Be With YOU!!!
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
The Sunday worship service at Pictou United Church ( Maritime Conference) focused on the 'United for Peace" campaign. Rev Mary Beth Moriarity carefully planned the service and included the DVD from Spirit Connection that tells the story of the making of the 'United for Peace' pins in Israel. These beautiful olive wood pins can be sold as a fund raiser, a $2 million campaign goal which ends on December 31st, 2009.
http://www.united-church.ca/getinvolved/unitedforpeace/video_pins .
Donna Weaver told the story of SADAKO. People gathered at the front of the church and listened and learned. The church was decorated with colourful Peace Doves. Every pew and all the light fixtures displayed beautifully hand made paper doves.
Learn, act and give - great ideas and congratulations to all at Pictou United Church!
Thursday, February 7, 2008
The Gifts and Giving of Maritime Conference are pleased to encourage all pastoral charges in their region to become involved in the United for Peace Campaign. BACK ROW - Brad Wood, Barb Kelley, Barb Sinclair, Margaet Anne Dodson, Carrie McCully FRONT ROW - Laura Hunter, Rita Manuel, Pam Harrison, Michael Ball.
Over the next 12 months committee members will visit all prespyteries to share ideas on ways to get involved.
Monday, February 4, 2008
This group of very active UCW members gathered for their January meeting, the program's purpose was to explore the 'United for Peace' campaign and get involved. They discussed ways to LEARN - get speakers / follow media stories / etc. ACT - they discussed possible actions to extablish a Department of Peace with the Canadian Government. GIVE - they will plan an event and use the 'United For Peace' materials - envelopes and handouts, etc.
They placed an order for the cookie cutter (15) at $1.00 each. This will result in lots of fun times as they serve peace dove cookies to each other at meetings and to their many guests. When an idea is placed in the midst of these ladies it always translates into something very GOOD!!!