Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sunday, Sept 14, 2008
Parrsboro United Church, Nova Scotia
Rev Sandra Riddell welcomed Peter Davison as the guest speaker at their special worship service - UNITED FOR PEACE. Peter is a well know teacher in the Halifax area and has written books of peace for youth. He was nominated for a United Nations Award and was written up in the Oprah magazine. He said, "peace and war both start in the same place" and went on to tell stories to make his point.
The bulletin contained information on the two year campaign. Special envelopes were included for an additional offering.
Everyone received a white peace dove to place on a tree at the front of the church. During the month of August a little girl sat in church every Sunday and cut out the paper doves. She decorated them and added a ribbon. We all signed our names on the doves as a commitment to peace.

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