Monday, March 31, 2008


This week I visited St. Andrews United Church in Truro, Nova Scotia and saw this lovely banner hanging in their entrance way with many other beautiful banners. I'm inspired to share this, as an idea, to enhance the United for Peace campaign. People express their concerns for peace in many ways - maybe making a special "UNITED FOR PEACE" banner would work in your pastoral charge.

Click on the banner, note the wording and the special peace greetings on every bird. Please show this to people who use their creative gifts of design to make our world a more beautiful place.

We will establish a special place on this blog called BANNERS, the purpose will be to display all banners. May I suggest that we show the banners, one picture of the individuals involved and a brief story of each banner.

Let's make it a banner year for " UNITED FOR PEACE ".

Thursday, March 13, 2008


Staff at the General Council Office in Toronto launched the United for Peace campaign on Wednesday, November 7, 2007. A chapel service included an inspiring reflection from Nora Carmi, visiting from Sabeel, a partner organization working for a just peace in Palestine.

The chapel service was followed by a gathering in the dining room, where people sang peace songs, decorated dove cookies, and talked more with Nora and each other. Nora Sanders and Bruce Gregersen joined in the action - results below!!!!
"Hey, hey good lookin, What's ya got cookin?" remember that song. From shore to shore to shore, United Church people are making 'peace dove cookies' as part of the United for Peace gatherings. Mary Francis Denis gets into the action.
Sarah Shepherd bakes 30 cookies to a sheet and invites others to decorate in a creative and fun manner. They look like sugar cookies, please share your favourite recipes!!
RESULTS - great looking cookies !!!!!

Thanks for your inspiration!!!!

Monday, March 10, 2008

What does United for Peace look like through the eyes of a child?

(The following wording was printed on a card and given to all who wear the pin, please feel free to copy this. ) Maritime Conference Office

"Let us then pursue what makes for peace and mutual upbuilding." (Romans 14:19)

This pin is carved from olivewood in and near Bethlehem. Olive trees are considered sacred in Palestine. People consider their trees to be part of their families. The older trees have names and stories told about them. Wood is taken from the tree very carefully, so as not to damage the trees. The fasteners on the pin come from an Israeli workshop in Jerusalem. The sharing of skills and resources to make this beautiful pin is seen by the artisan as "symbolic of the symbiotic relationship that can exist between Arab and Jew in the Holy Land."

Financial donations for the pin support efforts for peace in the Middle East and around the world. Wearing this pin is a prayer for peace and a reminder that efforts for peace begin with each of us in our own homes and neighbourhoods.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

A "Peace Concert" was hosted in

River Hebert United Church - hall with guest choirs from Brookdale and Parrsbro. (Maritime Conference) They gathered in a circle of PEACE and were invited to greet others with these peace words from other nations.
Saying "PEACE" around the world: Amani (Swahili), Beke (Hungarigan) , Fred (Normegian) Heddwich (Welsh), Nabada (Somali), Paix (French), Paz (Spanish) and Shalom (Hebrew)

The evening began with telling the story of the beautiful "United for Peace" pins using the DVD from Spirit Connection, resulting in a sell out of the pins. 20 more people to wear the pins and promote peace. They used the lovely prayers from the United for Peace worship materials.

Terry plays the drum for PEACE!!!!

May we offer these suggestions from "More Voices"
- #122 This is the Day
- #221 I Am Walking a Path of Peace
- # 154 Deep In Our Hearts
- # 79 Spirit, Open My Heart
- #12 Come Touch Our Hearts
- # 40 Never Ending Joy

From "Voices United"
- # 684 Make Me a Channel of Your Peace
- # 356 Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God
- # psalm 42 As the Deer Pants for the Water

Other specials were offered from other favourite music.

The Peace of Christ Be With YOU!!!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Pictou United Church, NS
March 2nd , 2008

The Sunday worship service at Pictou United Church ( Maritime Conference) focused on the 'United for Peace" campaign. Rev Mary Beth Moriarity carefully planned the service and included the DVD from Spirit Connection that tells the story of the making of the 'United for Peace' pins in Israel. These beautiful olive wood pins can be sold as a fund raiser, a $2 million campaign goal which ends on December 31st, 2009. .

Donna Weaver told the story of SADAKO. People gathered at the front of the church and listened and learned. The church was decorated with colourful Peace Doves. Every pew and all the light fixtures displayed beautifully hand made paper doves.

Learn, act and give - great ideas and congratulations to all at Pictou United Church!