Sunday, March 9, 2008

A "Peace Concert" was hosted in

River Hebert United Church - hall with guest choirs from Brookdale and Parrsbro. (Maritime Conference) They gathered in a circle of PEACE and were invited to greet others with these peace words from other nations.
Saying "PEACE" around the world: Amani (Swahili), Beke (Hungarigan) , Fred (Normegian) Heddwich (Welsh), Nabada (Somali), Paix (French), Paz (Spanish) and Shalom (Hebrew)

The evening began with telling the story of the beautiful "United for Peace" pins using the DVD from Spirit Connection, resulting in a sell out of the pins. 20 more people to wear the pins and promote peace. They used the lovely prayers from the United for Peace worship materials.

Terry plays the drum for PEACE!!!!

May we offer these suggestions from "More Voices"
- #122 This is the Day
- #221 I Am Walking a Path of Peace
- # 154 Deep In Our Hearts
- # 79 Spirit, Open My Heart
- #12 Come Touch Our Hearts
- # 40 Never Ending Joy

From "Voices United"
- # 684 Make Me a Channel of Your Peace
- # 356 Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God
- # psalm 42 As the Deer Pants for the Water

Other specials were offered from other favourite music.

The Peace of Christ Be With YOU!!!

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